5 things to consider if you’re selling this autumn

5 things to consider if you’re selling this autumn

It hurts us to write this as much as it’s going to hurt you to read it, but summer is sadly coming to an end. In only a couple of weeks Autumn will be upon us, which means shorter days and colder nights.

However, there is one silver lining when it comes to this particular change of season: interest in property tends to increase.

After the holiday season, during which decisions around selling a property are often placed on the backburner, people generally refocus and think more about putting their property on the market.

As a Surrey estate agent, we see this year in, year out. So, this year we’ve decided to help you get ahead of the curve so that as we hit autumn, you’ll be in a good position to put your property on the market and make sure that it’s at the front of the queue when it comes to getting attention from prospective buyers.

In that spirit, here are 5 things to think about in advance.

1. Maintenance is mandatory

As little as a year ago, people were generally very tolerant when it came to blemishes, stains and anything that may have been classed as general maintenance. It was just something that was dealt with once they’d purchased the property. However, in the wake of increasing living costs, prospective buyers are a little more sensitive to what needs doing. So, you have two options. You can either address any minor works prior to putting your property on the market, or be ready to accept a lower offer. We recommend tackling it advance. If you’re competent when it comes to DIY, then great. If you’re not, then consider getting a handyperson in. It will pay dividends in the long run.

2. Great gardens sell

After a great – if a little wet – summer, you’ve probably seen your garden at its very best. However, as the sun retreats, so too do the flowers that will have no doubt brought you much joy over the last few months. It’s very easy to put this down to the changing of the season, but despite a decreasing colour palette and a distinct lack of vibrancy, there is still a lot that can be done to get your garden looking great during autumn. Whether that’s colourful soft furnishings in and around the decking area, or simply cutting back and neatening up the edges, the garden is still a big draw – even during autumn. So don’t miss this opportunity to make it shine, even if it’s not being shined on.

3. Instruct a trustworthy estate agent

Choosing an estate agent is often the last thing people think about, which is crazy, really, as it’s a personal service and you may end up working together for several weeks. Our recommendation is to start the selection process early on. That way, you can establish whether or not you trust them, decide if you can work with them, and explore their methods and approaches before you entrust them with your property. Read our top five things to ask an estate before instructing them and discover what to expect from estate agent photography before making any firm decisions.

4. We all know about the spring clean, but …

… the autumn clean is also a thing, too. Think of all those things that hark back to sunnier climes (and that nobody wants to be reminded of when greyer skies are above us): barbeques, garden toys and summer clothes. Pack them all away, or at least make sure they’re behind the scenes in readiness for sale. On summer clutter, less is more. So, keep it clean, tidy and out of sight when it comes to the crucial viewings stage.

5. House warming

We know that people are having to think twice before switching the heating on – but don’t be afraid to turn it on for viewings. Would you rather view a property that’s warm or cold? If it’s cold it’s uncomfortable, so viewers won’t be able to give your property the attention it deserves. If it’s warm and cosy, then they’re likely to take their time. The longer someone spends in your property, the longer they have to imagine themselves in it. Yes, it’s expensive to heat a home, but if it leads to an offer then it’s money well spent.

The team at Davies Property Partners have been helping the Elmbridge community get their properties ready for autumn for over 20 years. Let us help you prepare yours. Contact your nearest Davies Property Partners office to speak with a member of our team or arrange a valuation.

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